I sat down to write this post, started with a few cheesy sentences a couple times, and immediately deleted them. I guess it’s just really hard to wrap up a budding friendship in a paragraph or two.
Lindsay first emailed me right at the end of last year inquiring about mentoring sessions. I was surprised because I still consider myself a new photographer so offering mentoring sessions hadn’t even crossed my mind, but I knew that what she was really seeking was community. She shared that she had reached out to a few photographers and nobody responded and my heart broke. Long before The Rising Ride Society and #CommunityOverCompetition were a reality, the need for them was so powerful, am I right?! We decided on meeting for dinner at one of our favorite spots and spent four hours chatting and becoming fast friends. So fast in fact that I invited her to assist at some of my local weddings this season.
Best decision ever.
At my first wedding of the season, without any real training or education on how to best assist or for me, how to best guide an assistant, we worked seamlessly together. If I turned to ask her something, she was there with an answer (or the bouquet I wanted the bride to hold)! She was kind to my clients and their families, helpful for me, and like always, so eager to learn! My 2015 couples are in for a treat because Lindsay adds so much positivity to the experience and I am thrilled to have her as part of the ASP Team as my assistant this year!
Lindsay, you are so sweet and I am so lucky to call you a friend! I’m so excited for this season and I’m already so grateful for your hard work and passion!
thank you for being helpful. I love this post!!