It kind of feels like it has been a lifetime since our stay-at-home advisory was put in place here in Boston and life is very different than what we imagined it would be even just in February. The Covid-19 pandemic has taken so much and too many from all of us but it has also provided new opportunities for closer growth at home, exactly where we’re supposed to be to support each other and front line workers in the fight against the virus.
It wasn’t long after everything was put on pause that creatives began creating in new ways that maybe never would have come to fruition if not for quarantine orders. Inspired by one of my favorite photographers, I began exploring shooting FaceTime Sessions as a way to document life at home during this unique season. What initially started as a fun and lighthearted project to help families remember this (hopefully!) once-in-a-lifetime rest together has quickly become one of my favorite types of session I’ve ever offered!
These images, taken remotely during an iPhone FaceTime call, are a little blurry and a lot memorable. They are a collection of moments that are a sweet balance of ordinary and beautiful, just what life is like at home right now!
If you would like to learn more about FaceTime Sessions, please click here! It would be an honor to photograph your family during this season!